Hills to Home

We are now a Hill’s to Home clinic!

What is Hills to Home?

Hills to Home is a service that delivers any brand of Hills’ diets direct to your door. Prices are the same as Chewy, but Hills puts priority on their Hills to Home customers, so they will ship to you before they ship to Chewy, giving you more security in supply availability! Setting up for auto shipments gives you access to discounts as well! Signing up is easy!

If you use a different brand diet and are interested, please call our office to discuss what Hill’s diet is appropriate to switch your pet to for this service!

Sign up here: Hill’s to Home Setup or simply call us at (719) 685 1177 to initiate the setup.

Our staff will create the nutrition plan appropriate for each one of your pets, based on doctors recommendation and previous prescriptions you have.

Typical delivery time is 2-5 business days with free shipping. A rush order can be placed for an additional charge for next day delivery.

Any questions or issues with their service can be directly addressed by their dedicated support team

Hill’s to Home Customer Service Contact Information

1 800-235-6877


7 a.m – 7 p.m CST Mon-Fri